End of the Dock, Spring 2020

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Well 2020 is not panning out the way we would like. I am sure it will come as no surprise that we are delaying the
annual pork chop dinner. Please do however mail in your membership card with the dues. Following safe social
distancing, the shoreline captains will not be able to come door to door to encourage membership. So we are
counting on each of you to join as you have in the past. Hopefully things change soon…

Normally with the annual meeting comes the elections to the board. Pat Hanson, Steve Grotbo, Mark Johnson, and
Dave Rathe all have their three year term ending. Luckily, all of them have agreed to another three year term. In the
past it has been difficult to get people to join the board and in 20 years on the lake I have yet to experience a real
election. Saying that, if anyone would like to be part of the board, please speak up and let any board member know
your wishes.

I have been saying “Alexa play Biggest Ball of Twine in Minnesota by Weird Al Yankovic” to
provide about seven minutes of entertainment each day. You can encourage your friends and
relatives to do the same and it will be like they are visiting you at the lake in these times of
social distancing.

The board is continuing to meet, although virtually instead of face-to-face. One of the biggest and most expensive
projects this year will be the Eurasian Milfoil study and treatment (more details later this summer). If you have other
projects for the board to look into, please let us know.

On a personal note, we just got a new dock over the winter. So no longer will people be able to use our bright yellow
dock as a landmark. The new one has a bench and larger area at the end, so feel free to wave and say hi this
summer and maybe even stop and chat for a while.

Summer cannot come soon enough.