Eurasian Water Milfoil Update

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It turns out that there are not one, but two problems with Eurasian Water Milfoil. Firstly, when it grows to the top of the water, its clumps impede all sorts of water activity. It can even be dangerous to swimmers getting tangled up in it. Fortunately, during the last couple of years we have not had such a problem.

A second category of problem is that the plants break off during the summer and float around the lake. Eventually they end up on the shoreline, creating a smelly mess for property owners. We have experienced this very problem during the past summer. From our bottom recordings taken summer before last I was able to manually find locations of probable milfoil growth. Those areas are shown in the map below. The “leafy” looking areas are places where we have actually found milfoil.

Needless to say we will need to address this issue next spring. We will probably hire professional help to complete a survey of the lake. From that we can assess where treatments might be indicated.