Water Quality Management

The Lake Washington Improvement Association’s goal is to maintain and improve the water quality in Lake Washington. Water quality testing is completed April through September and are conducted to monitor total phosphorus (nutrient needed for plant growth), Chlorophyll-A (measures amount of algae in the water), Secchi disk (measures water clarity) and Trophic state index (measure overall nutrient enrichment, or average of phosphorus, chlorophyll-A and secchi depth).

Our Goals

Strategies to Support our Goal

  • Test water from April through September and maintain records for yearly comparisons. Share secchi disk readings with the state.

  • Make water quality test information available on Lake Washington Improvement Association website.

  • Record ice in and ice out dates.

  • Analyze the water quality data we gather each year in Lake Washington, use this information to provide direction for planning.

  • Explore all sources of water / runoff into the lake and the impact this has on the water quality.

  • Continue exploring septic options to minimize the impact on drinking and lake water qualities in Lake Washington Community.

Aquatic Invasive Species Management

Education & Communication

Watershed Management

WildLife Management