Lake Washington Association Board Meeting October 4, 2005
Board Members Present:

Don Hoverston
Cammy Moses
Jenna O’Brien
Kim Winter
Gary Christianson
Steve Ullom
James Wendling
John VonEschien
Rick Fernstrom
Earl Fitzloff
John Fink
Dennis Westendorp
Jean Ward

Board Members please let someone know if you are not able to attend.

Treasurer Report:
Milfoil Fund $32,749.11
Siren Fund $9,843.50
Checkbook $16,059.30


Board Officers met prior to the meeting to define officers’ roles:
President – Conduct Board Meetings & Agenda; Plan & Conduct Annual, Steak Fry and Other Association Meeting; and Represent the Board’s Position. 

Vice Pres.- Fill in for the president, Chair Executive Committee: Represent the Board, file yearly non-profit statement, fill committees, find new board members.

Treasurer- Maintain Checkbook, Oversee Banking Accounts, Prepare Monthly Report; Pay Bills.

Secretary- Record & Publish Monthly Meeting Minutes; Notify Board of Meetings; Maintain Up to Date Board Membership Information; Forward information to Website Provider; Conduct election of new board members at Annual Meeting. 
The Officers also developed a framework for standing committees.

Earl Fitzloff, Gary Christianson, John VonEschien
Role is to monitor vegetation growth, provide direction and information to the Board and local and state agencies, apply for grants, develop and carryout treatment plans.

Jenna O’Brien, Jim Wendling
Gather and maintain current membership data base and mailing list, work with Shoreline Captains to coordinate sharing and gathering of information.

John Fink, Jean Ward
Coordinate May Annual Meeting, Steak Fry, Spring Fling.

Steve Ullom, Rick Fernstrom, Donnie Hoversten
Coordinate with other committees the publication of newsletters, communication with other groups at the direction of the board, update website, promotion of the Lake Washington Improvement Association as directed by the Board.

Cammy Moses, Dennis Westendorp
Provide checks and balances of Lake Associations finances; apply for Round Up grants, Meeker Co. or State grants as they become available.

Committees will have a 3 ring binder to keep information and pass on from year to year.  Cookbook Committee reports they are beginning to get some recipes.            


The Board approved developing an Action Plan for the year.
A Fall 2005 newsletter will be put out by the Communications Committee.  Each committee and End of the Dock – Kim W. will send information (email) to Steve Ullom by October 15.  The committee will put together the newsletter.  Donnie will get it printed and address labels to Jean Ward to have it put together and mailed out.(THANK YOU)

Kim Winter updated us on the taxation levies Lake Jenny is working on and could possibly be a means for Lake Washington to access a fair share to all property owners.

Gary Christianson reported on a District Milfoil Meeting sponsored by Sea Proest a company that has a means for applying chemicals at a rate of 20,000 acres in 10 hours. This would involve using Renovate (similar to 24D) the would kill all vegetation but not harm humans or wildlife.

The board will explore Publishing names of paid members beginning next year. Kim W. will check with County Commisioners regarding the $2500 they pledged to Lake Washington for milfoil treatments, which we did not have to use this year.

Next Board Meeting:

February 7, 2006  at Dassel Rod ‘n Gun Club.