Lake Washington Association Board Meeting April 4, 2006
Board Members Present:

Cammy Moses
Earl Fitzloff
Kim Winter
Gary Christianson
Jenna O’Brien
Dennis Westendorp
James Wendling
Rick Fernstrom
John Fink

Board Members please let someone know if you are not able to attend.
Minutes for the March 2006 meetings were approved for publication

Treasurer Report:
Milfoil Fund $32,974.11
Siren Fund $10,018.50
Checkbook $14,822.83
$235.73 monthly expenses paid out (labels, binders, postcards/postage, Meeker Coop).  
Money Market Acct. has earned $681.82 (4.49%) interest since October.  No donations were received since the last meeting.


Lake Testing:  Board approved a motion for having the Outdoor Corp continue testing for $2500 which covers five sites and $500/site.  Motion also approved for Outdoor Corp to provide an end of year presentation of results for $100.

Storm Siren:  Board approved motion for Kim Winter to facilitate payment terms with the supplier necessary for keeping installation on track (Apr-May06).  The annual testing will be conducted by the Dassel Fire Department.    

Webpage:  Board approved motion to pay $100 for a five year registration/protection request by Vivid Image of the domain name.   Kim Winter will check with Don Hoversten to insure validity of the registration request before issuing payment.

Mailing/Printing:  Board approved motion for $200 to design/print thank you notes and “missed you” door hangers.  Jenna O’Brien will work with Sun Printing on these great ideas.
A motion for the continuation of the NE corner porta-toilet was made.  There was no motion to proceed but rather a decision to wait and see what happens. 
Spring Membership Meeting:  Lee or Gene from Hutchinson DNR office will attend and speak at Spring Meeting on May 6th.  Raffle will be held for meat as needed.  John Fink covered the routine/requirements for food preparation.

Cammy Moses will call about the Round-up Grant.
Discussion was held about potential new board members.   Four potential candidate names were presented.
     Spring Newsletter: All information was received for the spring newsletter including two advertisements to help defer printing/mailing costs.  The plan is to get the newsletter mailed by week of April 16th.   Cammy Mose picked-up membership postcards and will include with the spring newsletter mailing.

Next Board Meeting:
May 2, 2006 / 7:00 pm at Dassel Rod ‘n Gun Club.