Lake Washington Association Board Meeting September 11, 2007
Board Members Present:

Bill Craig
Kim Winter
Jenna O’Brien
Jen Kjell
Dennis Westendorp
Steve Ullom
Cammy Moses
Dick Yock
John Fink
Jim Wendling
Rick Fernstrom

Board Members please let someone know if you are not able to attend.
Minutes to August meeting approved for publication.

Treasurer Report:
Exotic Species Fund $44,763.25
General Fund $22,433.68


Old Business:
Dennis noted information from Mn Lakes Associations of a new IRS ruling which began in 2006 for reporting in 2007.  That nonprofits must file some paper work based on yearly income of a minimum of $25,000.  So far this year we have income of $19,000. Dennis will continue investigating what we (The Lake Assoc.) needs to file and when.

Cookbooks Update: Jenna reported there are 450 recipes in this book.  Jenna noted every recipe has a name by it and additional information has been included in the cookbook about Lake Washington.  Their committee sent the proofed version back to the printer.  We should be getting them by September 24.  Cammy and Jenna are planning to set up 2-3 days at Hojie’s to distribute and sell books.  We will ship books to people at an additional cost of $4.50 for packaging and shipping.

Jen did send thank you notes to all those who donated prizes at the Bar B-Q and those contributing money to various Lake causes.

New Business:
Our fall newsletter is scheduled to be sent out sometime in mid October.  Rick will send out the newsletter template for each committee to add their information.  The expectation is this will be completed by the next board meeting on Oct. 2. 

Exotic Species Committee reports that they will be watching and monitoring the milfoil sites identified by PLM.  The map sent last month has been published on our website.  We should expect to need to do some treatments next year.  Bill noted that PLM is able to better id sites because of their underwater cameras.  We most likely would not be able to note them from the surface.  State has been sent the bill for the latest treatment, they say the check is in the mail.  Bill will take the billing to Meeker Co for additional reimbursement.  He did note that with the lack of rainfall this year there may not have been as much nutrient loading as in past years. 

Suggested we send a thank you note to Matt Brennen @ Crop Production Services for his help in storing the left over chemical these past few year.  Jen volunteered to do this.

Social Committee reminded Kim to get us on the Rod ‘n Gun Club calendar for the 1st Sat. in May and Aug. 2008. 

Dennis W. suggested we need to look at updating the Lake Improvement Plan written in 2005.

There is a copy on the website.  The board is asking members to review this so we can have a discussion at the next board meeting.  With the idea that we can send this out and various committees’ can review and updates parts that appear to apply to them.

Next Meeting:
October 2 , 2007  7:00 pm – Rod ‘n Gun Club