Lake Washington Association Board Meeting September 1, 2009
Board Members Present:

John Fink
Rick Fernstrom
Jenna O’Brien
Ken Klehr
Lyle Walker
Cammy Moses
Steve Ullom
Bill Ooley
Jen Kjell

Board Members please let someone know if you are not able to attend.

Approved minutes for Aug. 11 meeting and treasurer’s report for publication.

Treasurer Report:
Exotic Species Fund: $57,831.18
General Fund: $42,373.22


New Business:
Lake Member Milt Lueneburg lives two houses north of the culvert to Lake Stella.  He has talked to the DNR about cleaning out the silt in the culvert.  We will need permit from DNR and permission from neighboring property owners.  Which he has already contacted about doing this work.  Rienhurt Construction has permission to use properties next to the culverts for the purpose of cleaning out the silt. 

Milt says the water is 14-17 inches deep right now.  He is suggesting to the DNR that 12-14 inches from the bottom of the culvert.  A permit is needed and will cost $150.  Rienhurt is willing to do this work for little or no charge as they are right there now and able to use a backhoe to do most of the work.  DNR appears to be support this effort. 

Milt has also proposed to the DNR that about 12 inches of soil be removed about 30 yards out from the mouth of the culvert on the Lake Washington side.  Ken has prepared a letter of endorsement/recommendation from Lake Washington Board in support of this project.  The board approved paying for the permit. 

Orlin Ortloff from Meeker County Association of Lakes provided the Board with information about MCAL.  Orlin has been a member since 1992.  MCAL meets four times per year to discuss lake issues and distribute $20-25000 that is given to them by the County Board.  This money comes from the county water plan with the state.  The county gives the lakes 2 years to spend the money for various lake projects.  Lake Washington has been getting $4-5000 for the last 5 years.  MCAL not sure what funding will look like for 2010. 

Mn. Initiative Foundation will be also awarding grants to lakes.  MCAL has meeting scheduled for Oct. 15 at 7:30 in the Litchfield Community Center (old High School).  There will be people there to talk about grant writing.

Finance Committee – 990 EZ is complete and Ken has the application for 501c3.  Ken will meet with Hanson soon to submit these to the state for approval. 

Shore Line Captains:  Discussed the various issues brought up at a July meeting.  (Giving raffle tickets only to members) Board decided to continue practice of giving everyone tickets for door prizes at the Bar B Q.  The board looks at this as a time to promote Lake Washington and as a good public relations vehicle. (Get different speaker than the DNR) We are always looking for different speakers and consider the DNR as a valuable resource for providing Lake Association with up to date information on water issues and fish counts.  (List to Captains earlier)  The board set a goal of getting this information to the Captains by Memorial Day.  (Have early bird drawing at meetings)  Determined we would like as many people as possible to have a chance to win a prize.  (Only giving directories to Lake Association members)  The directory is one of our primary educational and public relations tools.  The information in the directory is updated about every 5 years.  (Welcome Packet) The board will look at ways to but together something together for the Shoreline Captains.  (Fact Sheet for money spent on milfoil treatments)  This information is in the minutes published on our website.  (Have current membership cards for Captains)  Membership committee will get this to the Captains.  (Have name tags and greeters at the Picnic and Bar B Q)  The board agrees name tags are important and board members need to be greeters at these meetings. 

Exotic Species:  We have received the 18,000+ grant money for milfoil application.  Patrick from PLM cancelled 8/20 tour of the lake.  Bill still working on arranging inspection tour with Patrick.  Committee will notify the board when they have arranged the tour.  Special note zebra mussels have been found in St. Cloud area, we must be aware they are coming.  The board stressed the importance of a face to face meeting with Patrick.  Lake Vegetation Management Plan – Need vegetation point intercept data from this fall and current water testing results. Bill would like to begin training someone on writing grants before he leaves the board next year.

Communication & Public Relations:  Fall newsletter will be sent out around mid October, Rick will send template for committees to write articles, with expectation they will be completed by the October 6 meeting.  Discussed the Sheriff’s request to have email addresses, Rick will send out a mass email and we will include some of the information in our newsletter. 

Social Committee:  Spring Fling – Lake Stella is in charge for 2010.
Jen K. is sending out Thank You notes for the door prizes contributed at the Bar B Q.

Next Meeting:
October 6, 2009  7:00 pm – Dassel Rod ‘n Gun Club