Lake Washington Association Board Meeting June 2, 2009
Board Members Present:

John Fink
Rick Fernstrom
Jen Kjell
Bill Ooley
Kim Winter
Cammy Moses
Ken Klehr
Lyle Walker
Steve Ullom
Dennis Westendorp

Board Members please let someone know if you are not able to attend.

Approved minutes from May 5 meeting minutes.

Treasurer Report:
Exotic Species Fund: $72,355.03
General Fund: $39,951.56


Old Business:
Suggest we draft a letter to the Lessard Legacy people detailing our lakes concerns and future needs as we see them.  Kim W. volunteered to begin a letter and email to board members for input.

New Business:
EXOTIC SPECIES: Dennis talked with Patrick Selter from PLM and they believe LWIA will get approval to treat about 99 acres.  Special Note: Bill Craig sent email later, saying LWIA was getting over $18,000 grant and would be treating around 75 acres on June 15th.

FINANCE COMMITTEE: Updated information provided to accountants for filing tax reports for 5/1/08-4/30/09.  Looks like averaging our income for 05,06,07,08 is going to be less than $25,000 per year as required by law to report. They (Piehl,Hanson,Bekman) will file completed forms for 2008 and send to Cammy.  501(c)3 Update: Total cost for filing and paperwork would be about $1500.00.  This includes one time filing fee of $750.00 and $300-500 to Steve Hansen for initial application.  Some advantages are money donated would be tax deductible, and Federal Organizations awarding grants require 501(c)3 status to receive funds. There is an annual reporting required (Form 990c). Ken K. noted many lake associations in Minnesota are 501(c)3.  Board approved filing for 501(c)3 status.  Cammy and Lyle will get together to share information about the book keeping duties of the Treasurer.

COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE: Rick F. reported the board roster is online and Mike has new updated email addresses of about 100 members.  We will use this to send out notices, updates, and other information.  All summer newsletter articles need to be in to Rick by July 1st.  He would like to get flyer sent out the week of July 7th.

SOCIAL COMMITTEE: Bar-B-Q Pot Luck is August 1.  Craig Hagen (Hojie’s) will again be providing some of the meat and buns.  He asked if he could insert a flyer in our newsletter.   The board agreed to do this and Cammy will check with him about the size.  Steve will send out a list of places we have asked to donate door prizes to give away at the Bar-B-Q.   Suggesting we look to solicit adds for the newsletters when we visit these various businesses.

SHORELINE CAPTAINS: Kay Yoch still is going to lead this group.  The board recognized the value of these volunteers and that this is by far the best way to get and keep people involved, by knocking on doors. 

Total budget for 2008: $20,102.19

Reviewed and set a budget for 2009: 

Annual Meeting$750.00
Lake Treatment45,000.00
Lake Testing2,000.00
August Pot Luck100.00
Landing Utilities504.00
Tax filing/App. Fees2,000.00

Next Meeting:
July 7, 2009  7:00 pm – Dassel Rod ‘n Gun Club