Lake Washington Association Board Meeting September 14, 2010
Board Members Present:

Kim Winter
John Fink
Ken Klehr
Lyle Walker
Pat Hanson
Rick Fernstrom
Jen Kjell
Steve Grotbo
Steve Ullom

Board Members please let someone know if you are not able to attend.

Treasurer Report: Invasive Species Fund 68,010; General Fund 45,401

Board minutes for July and Treasurer Report approved for publication.


OLD BUSINESS: LVMP update Steve has made the grammatical changes Lee wanted to the LVMP submitted (Jan. 2010). Still waiting for additional information from PLM and doing a treatment history, based on what other members can remember from the past. The DNR has copies of permits, but does not have any mapping of treated areas. We are looking at this as a living document that will be submitted to the DNR on more of a yearly basis. The plan is written as a five year plan and is part of our Lake Improvement Plan.

Dry Hydrant John F. reported the Dassel Fire Department reports these are expensive and not useable during the winter months.

NEW BUSINESS: Dick Yoch Shoreline Captains Feedback.

1. Board agreed to put a notice in the Newsletter asking people to be sure to get information to the Shoreline Captains for the new directory being put together for publication next spring. Personal contact with property owners is the best way to get updated emails and check to see if the want to be on the County’s Crime Alert. Jen will contact Shoreline Captains about getting updated information in ASAP.

2. Membership fee of $50 dollars is too high. Board does address the membership fee each spring when the yearly budget is put together. Since the fee went to $50 (2004) historically the number of memberships has steadily increased or stayed relatively constant.

3. Charging for Dinners in the past we did charge for the Steak Fry. The board views these dinners as a great opportunity for encouraging attendance, great for public relations, opportunities to provide educational information to lake members, and when analyzing the cost it is a very small amount of money to spend with a great upside.

4. Water Shed District Information A Lake Improvement District is on the board’s agenda every year. It is part of the budgeting conversation.

Some other comments/questions asked of Shoreline Captains: fish stocking data, boating information, etc. Much of this information is in the Lake Directory.

Pot Luck Dinner Board was pleased with the attendance about 79 people. John reported he will order less pork for next year.

2011 Directory Ken K. met with Crow River Press and they came up with three options for printing 600 copies of about 80 pages.

1. Use 2005 model – $2900 2. Color front – $3100 3. All color – $4700

The board talked about what ads would cost under the different options, but still had some questions about costs. Tabled this for more discussion at the next meeting. Kim W. is willing to chair the work for getting ads for the directory. Kim W. will put article/ad in Dassel paper talking about the Board’s plan for putting together a new directory for 2011.

Fall Newsletter Rick F. will send out Template. The plan is to get the Fall Newsletter out in late Oct or even early Nov. The Board approved sending newsletters to people above and beyond lake members/owners .many County, Township, State Representatives, DNR or others with some type of interest in Lake Washington.

Board approved selling the equipment stored in Gary Christianson’s garage, the Lake Association used for chemically treating milfoil in 2004. Suggested we contact Lake Manuella, because they are treating their waters. Try to sell the spreader..also suggested contacting Crop Production to ask about disposing of left over chemicals.

Liability Insurance – Lyle reported the premium, due the end of September, went up $2.00. Lyle will pay this bill.

MN Waters is scheduling an Invasive Plant Forum sometime this Fall. Ken will keep us updated on the dates and places.

LWIA Website Steve Grotbo has set up a monitor to let us know how many people are looking at our website. Steve is going to be doing the updating of the website by adding Board minutes and other pertinent information. He posed the question of setting up a Lake Washington Facebook page.suggested we get Rick F. feedback on this.

MCAL Orlin Ortloff has retired from this county wide organization. We would like to acknowledge the many years Orlin has been on LWIA and MCAL representing the interests and needs or Lake Washington. MCAL meet 4 times per year. We are looking for someone to represent LWIA on this board. Pat Hansen agrees to attend the meetings until another volunteer can be found. Board suggested putting this request for a volunteer in the newsletter.

Board knows MCAL gives us $2000 for water testing and $2000 for milfoil treatments. What with no treatments this year, it was discussed to ask MCAL if they would consider helping with the $1000 for boat inspections we did this year.

Next LWIA Board meeting: 7:00 pm October 5, 2010 at Dassel Rod ‘n Gun Club.