Lake Washington Association Board Meeting July 6, 2010
Board Members Present:

Kim Winter
John Fink
Ken Klehr
Lyle Walker
Pat Hanson
Milt Lueneburg
Rick Fernstrom
Steve Grotbo
Steve Ullom

Board Members please let someone know if you are not able to attend.

Treasurer Report: Invasive Species Fund 67,259.97; General Fund 46,702.31 – Lyle W. has changed our banking to Dassel State Bank. We have sold 491 cookbooks of the 650.

Minutes to June 1 meeting approved for publication with corrections.


Lee Sundmark, Hutchinson Fisheries met with the board to review the LVMP we submitted for approving variances for invasive species treatments. Lee stated he could approve as submitted by us but would like to see some changes. He has made notes on the form that should be changed. He talked about this being an ok short form (he could approve), but LWIA should look at doing a LVMP long form. He provided us with an example of one he is working on with Spring Lake in Dassel. He would like to see this document (LVMP), reflect more of the history, lake description, watershed information, vegetation surveys ( with details of what type of survey, when done, who did the survey, and pictures if there are any), also a complete history of on and off shore permitting that has been done on Lake Washington along with maps of treated areas. Steve Ullom will work on getting additional information Lee requested and take the information Lee gave us and add/modify the LVMP for Lee and Joe’s approval.

OLD BUSINESS: IRS forms Lyle reports 990 Forms and State IRS forms are filed.

Lake treatment strategy for 2010- no treatments recommended for this year, unless a problem area is noted. Committee will continue to monitoring the vegetation around the lake.

Lake Directory� Ken, Steve, Jen, Kim continue meeting before regular meeting to work on the details.

Dry Hydrant table until August meeting, John Fink is working on this.

Water Sampling Discussion– table until August meeting, with idea of looking at the bigger picture of how, what, why we are doing water testing. PLM will continue testing all sites monthly.

Storm Siren Transfer to Meeker Co. Sheriff– Sheriff’s Dept. is assuming full responsibility for upkeep and power cost for the siren.

Thank You Notes continue working on this with Mike Engel.

Minnesota Seasonal Recreation Property Association we have had their web address in our news letters in the past and will be sure it is in the Fall Newsletter.

NEW BUSINESS: Donation Sign at Ellsworth Landing– Peter’s Signs from Litchfield donated the sign and it is up at the landing. It asks people to consider making donations to LWIA.

SHORELINE CAPTAINS Jen is working on scheduling a meeting for some time in July, around the 15th. With expressed idea of getting updated email addresses.

Dassel Fire Dept. Donations Lyle and Jen are keeping track of who makes donations and will share these names with Dassel when we give them the annual check.

Dassel Rod ‘n Gun Club asked to have our email addresses so they can send out information to LWIA members. Board decided they can put an article in our newsletter or contact us and we will be in charge of sending out a mass email.

Lake Itch has been reported several times all ready this year. it has been a problem in all area lakes on different occasions this year. We have sent out mass email about the problem.

Agenda for August 7TH Pot Luck Bar B Q pork is coming from Schroeder’s Meats in Watertown. Board members meet at 4 to help with set-up. Passed around list of places to visit about getting door prizes, are there any new businesses we want to ask? Reminder to get name and addresses of donations so we can send them thank you. Steve will update and send back out to board members. Patrick from PLM will speak at this meeting.

Open Discussion It was noted the website needed updating with meeting minutes and board members, Steve / Rick will contact Mike E. Dockside magazine came out recently, but did not have LWIA future events in it. Kim W. will contact them and get our annual meetings listed.