Lake Washington Association Board Meeting June 1, 2010
Board Members Present:

Rick Fernstrom
Steve Kjell
Steve Grotbo
Ken Klehr
John Fink
Lyle Walker
Rick Johnson
Steve Ullom
Pat Hanson
Jen Kjell
Milt Lueneburg

Board Members please let someone know if you are not able to attend.

The board approved publication of the September board minutes with corrections and the treasures report.

Treasurer Report:
Invasive Species Fund $67,188.00
General Fund: $12,723.00


Old Business:
Peale, Beckman, Hanson have information to file Form 990.  Lyle filed state forms for LWIA.

Discussion: Wells Fargo charges LWIA for depositing large number of check.  This totaled $23.00 for May.  Lyle asked Wells Fargo to waive this fee because we average less than 20 checks per month for 10 months per year, but they were not willing to do this even though we are a non profit. Lyle contacted Farmers State Bank and they will not charge us fees for cashing checks with them.  Board approved to move the account to Farmers Bank, but contact Keith Fisher at Wells Fargo and tell them our plans. 

Shore Line Captains: Jen will contact with addresses to verify this information for new directory/ crime alert information.

LWIA Directory committee met before this meeting and will meet again at 6:30 on July 6 to continue planning.

LVMP: Ken has emailed Joe and Lee to get feedback on any potential changes and we are waiting for their response.

Water Craft Inspection: Intern is Tim Johnson, the feedback has been positive about their presence at the landings.  He was there opening weekend and will be there every weekend.  They will provide us with the number of boats and vegetation findings.  One person will do inspections at Ellsworth 60% of the time and 30% at Rod ‘n Gun Club, and 10% at the East landing for the beginning of the summer.

Lake Treatment Strategy for EWM: The plan presented by PLM was to cut channels in matted EWM on 70 acres in northwest corner/area of the lake.  Invasive Committee (Bill, Milt, Ken and Ron Bouboury, did tour of the lake with Joe Eisterhold (DNR Invasive Species Specialist for our area).  Committee will be doing weekly monitoring or the lake and have developed a spread sheet to more accurately record their findings.  The Committee bought a new GPS device to more accurately monitor vegetation.  They will get DNR software on the GPS, this is the same as PLM uses.  This will help with coordination and monitoring by all parties.  Patrick for PLM recommends when EWM gets within two feet of the surface that it be treated.  Note DNR will not sign permit (it has been submitted) until they deem it a threat to recreation. 

Dry Hydrant: John has been working on talking with the Dassel Fire Chief about this.  This was tabled until the July 6 meeting. 

Sign for donations at Ellsworth Landing: Milt is having an ongoing discussion with Peter’s Signs.

Thank You Notes: waiting to hear from Mike E. about how to do this.

There are 80+ people on the Meeker Co. Sheriff’s Crime alert at this time.

New Business:
Meeker Coop sent us a final notice of $1.50 due for Ellsworth landing electricity.  Lyle will check with them to be sure this is right.  Ken will check with Jeff, Meeker Co. Sheriff regarding who is paying for the electricity at the landing.

Discussion about providing the news letters via email, Rick is concerned about emailing the newsletters because they would or might not copy well as attachments.  Rick will check with Mike about doing this electronically. 

Water Sampling discussion:  MPCA suggests that LWIA only needs to do water testing at one site on the lake, because variations are only slight from sight to sight.  They are suggesting maybe only doing chemical testing every 5 years, with secchi disk reading every month.  Originally LWIA tested 7-9 sites monthly from April through October, reduced this to 5 sites it 2004.  The Board approved testing water at sites 1 and 7, along with secchi disk readings on a monthly basis, and begin a rotation of the MPCA drainage sites (1-16 from 1992 site map) water quality testing beginning with 1-2-3 for the month of June. PLM is willing to do this rotation of testing at no additional charges.

Tabled for further discussion: LWIA joining / doing a trial publication on the website of Seasonal Recreational Property Owners.

Swimmers Itch notice was sent out on email in late May.

Suggest we put a notice in the newsletter about people contacting the board so we can send out email notices i.e. swimmers itch, lost/found dock sections, floating toys, etc.

Summer Newsletter: Need all information in by July 1.  We want to send out the notice by mid July.  Rick will send out the template.  If you know of anyone that wants to run an add, let Rick know with print ready add. This newsletter will include list of paid members.

Next Meeting:
July 6, 2010 – 7:00pm – Dassel Rod ‘n Gun Club
Directory Committee will meet at 6:30 before the regular meeting.