Lake Washington Association Board Meeting February 9, 2010
Board Members Present:

Kim Winter
John Fink
Pat Hanson
Bill Ooley
Rick Fernstrom
Steve Ullom
visitor Orlin Ortloff

Board Members please let someone know if you are not able to attend.

Treasurer Report: Exotic Species Fund $56,486.80; General Fund $37,264.44

October 6, 2009 Minutes and treasurer reports approved for publication.


OLD Business: Dredging complete except back fill with black dirt on private property rutted by trucks. This will be done in the spring. Ken K. had discussions with Ron Mortenson, County Highway Engineering about the lower ends of the culverts. State Bridge Inspector will issue a report by mid February after completing an inspection. Estimated cost to replace with concrete culvert at $90,000.

Lake Washington Improvement Association of Meeker County was approved as a 501(c)(3) non profit corporation by the IRS.

Board member replacements Milt Lueneburg is interested in joining the board to fill the spot that is currently open. Rick will send out email message about the board opening and the need for two new board members. Letting people know we are looking for volunteers to join the board starting in May.

Crime Alert with County Sheriff Rick F. will send out email asking people if they want to be in this alert directory, also will put this information on the membership post cards, and spring newsletter. The people will need to opt in as a matter of data privacy/respect by the Board.

New Business: Lake Vegetation Management Plan has been sent to Joe and Lee for their approval. Lee is gone for the month of February and will be reviewing the plan when he gets back, sometime early March. All board members were sent copies of this plan.

Lake Directory Jen, Steve, and Ken volunteered in Oct. to be on the committee to develop a new lake directory, with the plan to publish it in 2011. Other board members will help by getting ads from local businesses to pay for the publication. Board will need to come up with cost structure for the ads.

MCAL Grant Status – Orlin Ortloff came to the meeting and provided us with lots of information. He let us know about the $4000.00 given to Lake Washington for 2010. Monies were reduced this year across the board. There was discussion about Over-Flight ultraviolet photo that some lakes in the area have used to identify hot spots on the lake. Some discussion about areas on the north side of the lake, east of cedar point, that an unusually long time to freeze this winter (some ideas were a tile, underground stream. Also, Orlin noted we need to turn in our water testing and treatment bills as soon as we get them to be sure we get paid. We did get $5000 for 2009 and should get that money this month. Do we need to get year billings to submit?

Orlin talked about Legacy Funding. He gave us information on Crow River Organization of Waters (CROW) in Buffalo; there are 10 counties that contribute to this organization. They have monies and expertise that we could possibly be of help to our organization. Kim Winter will contact CROW, Diane Sanders or someone from their organization about attending our March 2 meeting. Also, Orlin talked about Nancy Flashing at Southwest Minn. Foundation in Hutchinson as an organization that could be of possible help for LWIA. Most of this information is in the MCAL directory.

For March meeting will discuss Watercraft Inspection Grant.

Steve will send copies of By-Laws and Lake Management Plan to board members to look at updating these documents. Will need to present updated By-Laws at Spring membership meeting for a vote.

Committee Reports: SOCIAL: John reported he has not heard anything about the Spring Fling. Annual Meeting will be May 1, with usual pork chops, beans and we will be using the Dassel Bakery for bread and brownies.




COMMUNICATION/PR Rick F. we will be sending out the Spring Newsletter in April.

Next meeting 7:00 PM March 2, 2010

at John Fink’s house: address 69427 233rd St. phone 320-275-0114.