Lake Washington Association Board Meeting February 14, 2012
Board Members Present:

Kim Winter
John Fink
Steve Ullom
Rick Fernstrom

Board Members please let someone know if you are not able to attend.


Here is the proposed agenda for the LWIA February Board Meeting. Date TBD.

1)   Call meeting to order 7PM. VP Rick Fernstrom.

2)   Secretary’s Report October 11 2011. – one spelling correction noted / approved for publication.

3)   Treasurer’s Report October, November, and December. ING saving $103,006 / Checking 4,353, Total $107,360.

4)   Cormorant & Pelican Impact Committee Update. Rick Fernstrom has met many times about this issue. Dec 19 6 DNR reps. and Steve Lewis from Federal Wildlife were at a meeting. Rick and George Cramer from Collinwood put together facts (this presentation is on LWIA Facebook page) about the drop in fish populations from the last two fish surveys completed by the DNR. Rick and George used only actual scientific information as a basis for their presentation on the 19th. Feb. 9 the cormorant group met again with 3 DNR people and they responded to Rick and George’s 12/19 presentation, going back into the 1990’s looking at fish data and made the analysis that fish populations have always been going up and down. The committee is pressing the local DNR to make a decision about doing something. The DNR need biological evidence to base any decision on. But they have moved the next fish survey up to 2012.
     Rick and George’s presentation show drop in fish populations in the last 2 surveys for lakes in this area. By using number of birds and pounds of fish they eat in one day10-16,000 pounds of fish per day. It figures out to be 1-2 million pounds of fish eaten per year to feed the number of cormorants and pelicans that are at Pigeon Lake. The cormorant group is waiting for a written response from Lee S. and Jack Lauer about the information they presented and what the DNR’s decision is about the cormorant problem. Until it can be proven biologically that the number of birds contribute to decline in the fish population, it looks like the DNR does not want any action.
     Cindy Mase, Lake Waconia area, is in the process of joining with Rick and George and getting together a larger group of lake owners in this area. Look for updates on this.

5)   Approve PLM 2012 Water Quality Assessment @ $1901 & 70 acres chemical treatment @ $455/acre. This is the last year of a 5 year contract with PLM. Started to negotiate with PLM’s Patrick Selter. Not a quorum of board members present – tabled until next meeting.

6)   MCAL January Meeting Update/ $4000 Grant Request. Ken made application and we will get $3500 for 2012 from MCAL.

7)   Watercraft Inspection Grant Discussion. Did not pursue due to 2012 AIS focus by the DNR, such as addition of 150 watercraft inspectors and 3 Invasive Species Specialist, purchase an additional high pressure decontamination units and inspection stations. This is a very hot topic at many area groups, due to the fines they are talking about.

8)   Distribution 2011 Directory Status. 15 were undelivered, will check with Cathy K.

9)   Update of LWIA member email addresses for notification/information/announcements. Rick is working on getting a new list fro Mike Engel and how to update the list. Rick is hoping he can use Cathy K.’s to update his email lists.

10)   Meeting PLM, DNR, & LWIA to discuss 2012 EWM chemical treatment strategy, data transfer, and monitor 2011 chemically treated area. The Invasive Species committee has worked with DNR and PLM so we can share GPS information seamlessly with each other. Did talk about LVMP and Steve submitted updated copy along with Water Quality and treatment map for 2011. Lee, Joe, Craig reported they should be able to sign it.

11)   Open Discussion. Lee S. and Gene J. from the DNR, chair the Avid Angler meetings throughout the winter. They are asking for if there would be enough lake association board members interested in meeting through the summer months. They would consider doing this if enough are interested. Rick F. will send out a notice.

12)   Membership Survey Committee Status. The board talked about different ideas i.e. using larger postcards with part of a survey on half of it so people could easily mail back. This could be an ongoing process that asks a few questions each time. We did note that if a larger survey was decided on that getting it out to lake shore owners and having it returned were very important things. Steve sent out to all board members a packet “Sustainable Lake Planning Workbook” that has the how to and an actual lake survey. Will continue this discussion at future board meetings.

13)   Identify projects and or programs possible Legacy Funding.Some ideas were septic survey, map lake tiles and culverts into the lake, use survey to get ideas from lake residents.

The next LWIA Board meeting will be Tuesday March 13 7PM Ken Klehr’s house (69693 233rd St). Guest speaker will be Dean Shaner covering the January 5th, 2012 Legacy Stakeholders Forum held in St Paul.