John Fink
Ken Klehr
Sandy Wosmek
Cathy Klehr
Skip Sustacek
Ron Bubany
Lyle Walker
Rick Fernstrom
Tom Hauer

Board Members please let someone know if you are not able to attend.

1)   Meeting called to order by President Ken Klehr at 7 p.m.

2)   Secretary�s report of March board meeting was approved.

3)   Treasurer�s March Financial report: Receipts – Newsletter ads $100; 10 cookbooks $90; Checkbook balance – $4,828.51; Interest on savings a/c – $30.64; Balance as of 3/31 – $90,366.45. Total funds as of 3/31 – $95,194.96. Board approved treasurer’s April financial report.

4)   2014 Budget: Treasurer Lyle Walker reported an anticipated income of $38,000 from grants, interest, membership dues, newsletter ads, cookbook sales, Dassel Fire Dept. and miscellaneous. The planned expenses for 2014 is $34,400 leaving a positive balance of $3,600. Budget was approved by the board.

5)   Shoreline Captains report was given by Cathy Klehr. A captains meeting is being planned for the middle of May. Two shoreline captains are needed. If you know of anyone that could help, call Cathy. The board discussed the current internet server used and how we can improve it. Ron Bubany explained the difficulties we are having with the current system and suggested we add the Microsoft server “Access Hosting” to our web site at a cost of $49.50 per month. Motion was made and approved by the board to go ahead with the “Access Hosting” program.

6)   Cormorants and Pelicans Committee report was given by Rick Fernstrom. We have not heard back from the DNR about the cormorant issue but Rick will keep in contact with them. He also noted George Kramer said they will be doing a bird count this year.

7)   There was no report on the website and Facebook activity.

8)   Invasive Species Committee report was presented by Ron Bubany. PLM will be doing the water quality testing this year because they had the lowest price. Lake Washington Eurasian Milfoil, on a scale of 4 was down to .5 compared to 2012 which had a rating of 2. The lake averages about 400 acres of milfoil yearly.

9)   Watershed Committee report: Skip Sustacek reported the plan to build a holding pond and repair farmer’s tile is progressing. Once the grants have been approved, we will meet with the respected parties and go ahead with the project. The goal is to slow down or trap the sediment that is flowing into the lake. A future concern is who is responsible for the cleanup or maintenance of the holding pond. The project is expected to last 10 years before it will have to be cleaned.

10) Watercraft Inspection Committee report: Tom Hauer said he has ordered brochures, literature and other items pertaining to watercraft inspections from the DNR that can be mailed with the newsletter and handed out at the annual meeting on May 3 at the Dassel Rod and Gun Club. The total cost for the material was $33.00. Motion was made and carried to repay Tom for the cost of the items. We do not know if the DNR will be doing watercraft inspections for Lake Washington this year. Tom will check with the DNR. We did not apply for a grant this year but will apply for 2015.

11) There will be a MCAL Board meeting on April 17th.

12) Spring newsletter is scheduled to be mailed April 18th. Tom will contact Kim Winter to see if she needs envelopes or help in getting the newsletter out. Rick Fernstrom said he is waiting for a few more articles to be submitted before he finalizes and sends to Crow River Press in Hutchinson. We have about $400 in advertising in the spring newsletter.

13) The LWIA Annual Membership meeting is May 3rd at the Dassel Rod and Gun Club. Setup 4 p.m.; Social hour starts at 5 p.m.; Dinner at 6 p.m. with a program at 6:30 p.m. Caroline Ullom will make a membership survey presentation. John Fink has reserved the Rod and Gun Club and said B & B Sports of Hutchinson is paying for the pork chops. Everyone is invited to help with the cleanup. We should be done by 8:30 p.m.

14) Treasurer Lyle Walker said with the retirement of John Fink, we will need a second signer on the organization’s checking account. Cathy Klehr volunteered to be the second signer.

15) Motion was made by Lyle to adjourn the meeting.

Submitted by substitute secretary Tom Hauer