Lake Washington Association Board Meeting September 1, 2015
Board Members Present:

Ken Klehr
Mike Wosmek
Lyle Walker
Tom Hauer
Cathy Klehr
Sandy Wosmek
Pat Hanson
Ron Bubany
Skip Sustacek
David Rathe

Board Members please let someone know if you are not able to attend.

Treasurer Report: Invasive Species Fund; General Fund


1) Meeting at Dassel Rod & Gun Club was called to order at 7 p.m. by President Ken Klehr.

2) Secretary’s August Board Meeting report had one correction. Adam Dahl’s last name should be Doll. Motion was made to accept the minutes as corrected. Motion carried.

3) Treasurer Lyle Walker reported the LWIA had income of $544.90 for the month of August and expenses of $547.54, leaving a balance of $144,928.39. He noted one correction on his report in which the expenses for the Constant Contact should be $378.00 and the Scope expenses should be $110.00. Motion made and seconded to approve the treasurer’s report. Motion carried.

4) Cathy Klehr reported we added six new members in the month of August, giving us a total of 201 members for the year. She presented a membership list, created by Ron Bubany, that shows which lake home owners are non-members. This list is helpful for the Shoreline Captains, knowing who members are and who potential members are.

5) There will be a special Cormorant meeting set up by the DNR on Sept. 21. Ron Bubany suggested lake homeowners should report to the LWIA sightings of Cormorants next spring.

6) The LWIA website and facebook is showing an increase in activity due to the interest in Zebra Mussels and other invasive species affecting Lake Washington.

7) A joint meeting was held on August 20 with representatives from Lake Stella, Washington, Ripley, Minne Belle, Koronis, Crow River Organization of Water, Meeker County AIS committee. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) with a focus on Zebra Mussels. It was unclear on how to prevent Zebra Mussels from entering Lake Washington, but it was agreed, we need to educate people on how to avoid transferring the AIS from one lake to another. LWIA will check into installing a camera system that will “talk” to folks as they are coming and going at the landing. It will provide information about AIS and importance of boat inspections. The cost is about $7,000 for the camera and $1500 per year for the data subscription. Meeker County AIS indicated they would have funds available to help with this cost. Grant applications will go out October 1 and are due November 15, 2015. Another concern is Starry Stonewort, an AIS that was discovered in Lake Koronis. It can produce dense mats, interfering with recreation, choking out native plants and potentially altering fish habitat. There will be an open house on September 16 at the Aquatic Research & Management at the U of M. It will be a round table discussion on AIS including flying carp, zebra mussels, and other harmful fish diseases. Dave Rathe said he was interested in attending.

8) Skip Sustacek reported the Watershed project of re-doing four inlets from farmlands to Lake Washington should be completed very soon. Joe Norman, Meeker Co. Soil and Water Dept. is working with LWIA on concern about farmland washing in the lake. Fixing these inlets is about $800. LWIA is working on fixing three or four of these inlets per year. There are eight inlets entering Lake Washington. Another possibility is to build berms between the farmlands and the lake. Skip will talk to Joe about this idea.

9) Dave Rathe is looking for volunteers to be watercraft inspectors. He will write an article for the October newsletter to recruit volunteers for next year. The volunteers will attend DNR sponsored classes on how to inspect watercraft and educate people to prevent the spread of AIS.

10) Ron Bubany reported the deadline for Fall Newsletters is Thursday, Oct. 1 and will be mailed out by Friday, OCT 16. The newsletter will be mailed and e-mailed as requested by members and non-members. Ron has the new internet program, Constant Contact, has been a huge success. It offers various applications, allows more e-mails and provides free consultations to assist with developing the website. The cost is $378 per year.

11) There will be two more water quality testing in the next two weeks. Ken Klehr reported the lake is in pretty good shape and the quality of the lake has been consistent throughout the year. The testing will be for Secchi, Chia, TP and Mean for each reading, Ken will present a graph of water quality at the October LWIA meeting.

12) Ron Bubany reports he has two entrants in the fishing contest. Deadline to enter is September 21.

13) Ken Klehr reported we are looking into 2016 Grant Applications for four areas 1. Watershed 2. Watercraft Inspections 3. I-LID video camera and 4. Chemically treating milfoil.

14) Lyle Walker reported on the new signs for the Dassel Rod and Gun Club along Hwy. 12. The cost of the signs is $2500 for two signs to be built and installed. These signs should be good for 10-15 years. The Dassel Rod and Gun Club is still deciding if they want to do this or not. Motion was made and carried to donate to the Club to have these signs put in place if the Club decides to go ahead with the plan, LWIA portion would be 1/3 of the $2500.

15) Due to a scheduling conflict, the Annual Meeting and Potluck for next year are scheduled for May 8Th and August 13th.

16) Mike Wosmek reported his neighbor is having problems with Oak trees losing leaves. Mike will contact Steve Ullom to write an article for the Fall Newsletter concerning this disease and how to treat it.

17) On the LIA Committee & Project Group Assignments, Dave Rathe was added to the Water Quality Sampling and Testing committee.

18) Motion to adjorn at 8:30 pm.

Next Board Meeting is Tuesday Oct. 6, 2015 @ 7 pm. Dassel Rod and Gun Club. This will be the last meeting of 2015.

Minutes submitted by substitute secretary, Tom Hauer.