Lake Washington Association Board Meeting February 9, 2017
Board Members Present:

Steve Grotbo
Dave Rathe
Ron Bubany
Skip Sustacek
Sharon Daniels
Mark Johnson
Pat Hanson
Tom Hauer
Sandy Wosmek

Board Members please let someone know if you are not able to attend.

1) Meeting called to order 7 p.m. – Steve Grotbo, President. Tom Hauer was selected to take minutes.

2) Secretary’s report was approved as presented via e-mail.

3) Treasurer’s October-January financial report:
   January 31, 2017
      – investment: $111,492.72; checking: $4,743.33. Total: $116,236.05.
   Dec.: (all money coming in)
      – MCAL AIS grant reimbursement and expenses: $5,440.11
      – MCAL H20 testing: $555.00
      – 3 cookbooks: $30.00
      – Ad payment: $140.00
      – Water testing to RMB: $417.0
      – One new member, one refund to member who paid twice. Total membership: 209.
      – Dassel Fire Department: $1,885
      – Crow River Press: $527 for newsletter and mailing
      – Conference expenses: $385.00

   Steve G. reported someone from Alabama used his e-mail address and sent a request to Lyle for $8500. It was a scam and request was denied. Motion was made, seconded and approved the treasurer’s report as presented.

4) January DNR update was tabled until March Meeting.

5) No update on Governor’s Town Hall Water Summit held on Jan. 27.

6) Water Quality testing: the group is ready to start testing.

7) Vegetation Survey: Surveys will be done by Ron and Mark at the end of June, one in July and one more in the fall. Ron said they use a computer system that tracks curly leaf, milfoil and other weeds. They will do 40 to 60 waypoints in May. It was suggested that whomever does the water testing, vegetation survey and iLID work, that they should record the date, hours worked, mileage and the number of people who worked. This information can be submitted for reimbursement via MCAL and grants that are available.

8)i-LIDS and watercraft inspections: The i-LID will be installed as soon as the ice is out. Dave said he talked to Eric, the owner of the i-LID and recommended cutting down on the pre-trigger time on the videos that are captured. He has it set for about 5 seconds and Dave recommended 1 to 2 seconds. (Once you get a trigger to record video, the video that is recorded starts 5 seconds before the trigger (pre-trigger) and then runs for about 15 to 20 seconds.) Dave also asked if he could put the year-end report into an easier to view format. He said no, but we are able to view the document anyway. There was one minor problem when putting the aluminum plate on the base. The weld (base to auger shaft) was about 1/8 inch higher than the surface of the base. This caused the aluminum plate to not fit flat against the base. Dave solved the problem by using a 3/8 inch diameter tubular insulation between the plate and the base. The solution worked very well and created a nice seal to keep dirt/sand out of the base. Dave recommended a large o-ring to provide a more positive seal. Eric was going to look into it. Dave also asked about moving the “off” time to 2100 instead of 1800 hours and suggested he do a modification to the software to just record actual boat launches and loads instead of people and dogs walking by. I-LIDS also owes our lake association a magnetic sensor. Dave hopes it will get done this summer. It will improve what video captures.

9) Cormorants and Pelicans: Steve will respond in the Spring newsletter to a letter in last fall’s newsletter about dealing with the cormorants and pelicans.

10) Zebra Mussels: We will put out the plates to capture the zebra mussels again this year. Dave will contact Mike McCartney at the University of Minnesota on what we can do to control zebra mussels. The cost to treat zebra mussels is huge.

11) Watershed: Skip said we will take on two projects in 2017 to help control watershed roll off into the lake. One, that is being investigated by the DNR, is a new larger culvert that was put in place on the northeast side of the lake. The second project is to help lake home owners on the north side of the lake.

12) Membership: No report on membership or the shoreline captains.

13) Education and Public Relations: Deadline for the Spring newsletter is April 1. Ron suggested the theme for the Spring Newsletter should focus on what we are going to do this year. The Summer Newsletter should focus on what we are doing and the Fall Newsletter will focus on what we did. The board agreed. The board also agreed the prices for ads in the newsletter will remain the same.

14) Website, Facebook and e-mail activity: Steve reported we had 143 likes on Facebook (6 more compared to Oct.) and we had three visitors per day on our website (same as Oct.)

15) New Directory: The last directory was published in 2011. Sharon said she would help in putting together a new directory. The board is looking for more help to put the directory together. It could take about a year and a half to produce.

16) Social Committee: Dates have been set for the Spring meeting and Fall meeting. Spring will be held on May 6th with a speaker talking about Zebra Mussels. Pork chops will be served and Skip will check with B&B about the pork chops. The fall will be held on August 5th.

17) Financial Grants: Sharon reported we received $2800 for AIS and i-LIDS, and $5200 for Eurasian Milfoil. The DNR denied a financial request we presented. Apparently they ran out of money.

18) MCAL: Pat attended a MCAL meeting. There will be 18 weeks of inspections on Lake Washington from May to Labor Day. The inspections will take place on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday of each week scheduled.

19) MLR 23rd Annual Meeting will be held on Feb. 11, 2017 at 10:00 a.m. at the Minneapolis Convention Center, Room M101. Nobody from the board will be able to attend.

20) Monthly board meeting schedule: Tuesday, March 7; Thursday, April 6; Tuesday, May 2/ Thursday, June 1; Thursday, July 6; Tuesday, August 8; Thursday, Sept. 7 and Tuesday, Oct. 3. Lyle will reserve the Dassel Rod and Gun Club for these dates.

21) Board member’s term ending: Pat Hanson, Steve Grotbo, Mark Johnson and Dave Rathe. All agreed to have their name put on the next ballot for re-election to the board.

Meeting adjourned at 8:21 p.m.

Signed: Tom Hauer