Lake Washington Association Board Meeting May 3, 2005
Board Members Present:

Cammy Moses
Don Hoverston
Kim Winter
John Fink
Kim Schimmelpfennig
Laionne Hansen
Ray Haugland
Earl Fitzloff
Jenna O’Brien
Dennis Westendorp
Steve Ullom
Bob Paulson
Jim Barner
John Peterson
Gary Christianson
James Wending
Rick Fernstrom
Dick Yoch
Marlene Williams
Kay Yoch

Board Members please let someone know if you are not able to attend.
Treasurer’s Report and Minutes to April Meeting were approved.           

Treasurer Report:
Milfoil Fund $28,799
Siren Fund $8,133.00
Checkbook $16,498.38


Steve Thatcher from Thatcher Engineering reviewed the plan/proposal his company put together for us.  This is a tool to use to help lake water quality.  Some concerns are small lots may not have another site if they need to redo septic. He suggests: the lake association contact a lawyer to see what further study is needed or how we should proceed.  Steve would be interested with having discussion with legal counsel to see where we are and how to move forward.  There was a discussion among all present about the costs, the actual installations – Steve noted he can do much of the pipe installation underground, if he could get permission to run through peoples property, this would reduce the cost.  There was a discussion about septic drainage, life of individual septic systems, and the effect individual systems have on the quality of the lake water. 

Reviewed agenda and job duties for the Annual Meeting/Picnic on Saturday. Directory Content Committee reported having much of the information needed for the Directory. Ads have been sold, but still willing to accept more ads.  The content committee is looking to put together a paper copy of the directory with the first part of June as the target date.  They will meet with printer and decide on cover and binding option.  Hope to be able to pass out the directory by the end of June when more people will be around.

Kim Schimmelpfenning family is moving off the lake and she resigned as the Treasurer.  At this time Cammy Moses volunteered to do the money part of the job.  She will go to the bank and get the signature card signed.  This led to a discussion by the board to look more closely at job duties and descriptions.  We will do this at the June meeting.

Gary Christianson updated us on the Milfoil treatment and grant application.  The committee is working on the grant and surveying the lake to decide on treatment plan.

Jean Ward volunteered to fill the vacancy on the board.  She will take  Kim Schimmelpfeng’s spot on the board.Outdoor Corp program is operational again this year.  They are charging $500 per site they test for the year.  The board approved continuing with five testing sites for this year.
Next Board Meeting:
June 7, 2005 @ 7:00pm  Dassel Rod ‘n Gun Club.